Introduction ix
Notes towards A Theory of Affect-Itself 1
Patricia Ticineto Clough, Greg Goldberg, Rachel Schiff,
Aaron Weeks, and Craig Willse
War by Other Means: What Difference Do(es) the
Graphic(s) Make? 21
Praying and Playing to the Beat of a Child’s Metronome 32
Gendered Security/National Security: Political Branding and
Population Racism 40
Patricia Ticineto Clough and Craig Willse
My Mother’s Scream 59
Feminist Theory: Bodies, Science, and Technology 67
A Dream of Falling: Philosophy and Family Violence 87
The Datalogical Turn 94
Patricia Ticineto Clough, Karen Gregory, Benjamin Haber,
R. Joshua Scannell
The Object’s Affects: The Rosary 115
Rethinking Race, Calculation, Quantification and Measure 121
And They Were Dancing 134
Ecstatic Corona: From Ethnography to Performance 141
Acknowledgments 161
Notes 163
Previous Publications 195
Index 197