The Assemblage Brain - Sense Making in Neuroculture
- Author
- Tony D. Sampson
- Publisher / Label
- University of Minnesota Press
- Country
- Language
- English
- Publication year
- 2017
- Type of publication
- Book
- Number of pages
- 248
- 9781517901172
Contents Introduction ix 1. Interferences: Philosophy, Science, Art, and Capitalism 1 PART I What Can Be Done to a Brain? 37 2. Neurolabor: Digital Work and Consumption 45 3. Control and Dystopia 75 PART II What Can a Brain Do? 107 4. Sense Making and Assemblages 119 5. Relationality, Care, and the Rhythmic Brain 161 CODA Taking Care of the Not-Self 195 Acknowledgments 203 Notes 205 Index 231