4 Painting in a Film Frame and Viewpoint on Canvas
6 The Sleep of Painting Produces Cinematography
8 Already not Painting, but not yet Films
Daniel Barroca
Nikolay Belous ][ Dziga Vertov
Eric Bulatov ][ Jean-Luc Godard
Qleg Vassiliev ][ Andrei Tarkovsky
Elena Volkova ][ Alexander Dovzhenko
Eduard Gorok-hovsky ][ Alexander Belobokov
Peter Greenaway
Georgy Gurianov ][ Leni Riefenstathl / Grigory Aleksandrov
Elena Elagina and Igor Makarevich ][ Alexander Ptushko / Jan Svankmajer
Anna Jermolaewa
Alexander Kosolapov
Via Lewandowsky
M+M ][ David Cronenberg
Boris Mikhailov ][ Kira Muratova
Timur Novikov ][ Lev Kuleshov
Georgy Ostretsov ][ Robert Rodriguez
Arkady Petrov ][ Kira Muratova
Mikhail Roginsky ][ Marlen Khutsiyev
Gayane Hachaturyan ][ Sergei Parajanov
Marina Chernikova
Igor Shelkovsky ][ Alexander Zeldovich
Vladimir Shinkarev ][ Vassiliev brothers
Vladimir Yankilevsky ][ Andrey Khrzhanovsky