Table of Contents
11 Introduction
15 while(true)
On the Fluidity of Signs in Hegel, Godel, and Turing
29 Traces of the Mouth
Andrei Andreyevich Markov’s Mathematisation of Writing
55 There Must Be an Angel
On the Beginnings of the Arithmetics of Rays
79 Enigma Rebus
Prolegomena to an Archaeology of Algorithmic Artefacts
113 Resurrecting the Bomba Kryptologiczna:
A Reconstruction of the Polish Crypto Device
135 Scrambling T-R-U-T-H
Rotating Letters as a Form of Thought
175 Programming ENTER
Christopher Strachey’s Draughts Programme
189 Programming Degree Zero
A Genealogy of Turing’s Machines and Algorithms