Data Curation
- Author
- Jeungmin Noe
- Publisher / Label
- Young Gull Kwon (Director, Museum of Art, Seoul National University)
- Country
- Korea
- Language
- English, Korean
- Publication year
- 2013
- Type of publication
- Catalogue
- Number of pages
- 68
- 9788997044061
6 Director's Foreword 6 Data curation 14 Assa Ashuach 16 Beikyoung Lee 18 Chaeyoung Kim 20 David Bowen 22 Davide Quayola 24 E/B Office 26 Elena Manferdini 28 Evan Roth 30 Francis Bitonti 32 George Legrady 36 gt2P studio 38 Hyejin Hong 40 Hyunggul Kook 42 Jer Thorp 44 Jungwoo Chae & CA plan 46 Morphosis Architects Inc. 50 noiz architects 52 Suzung Kim 54 UEBERSEE Inc. 56 Artists Biographies