pnek - 2017
- Author
- Stahl Stenslie
- Publisher / Label
- Country
- Norway
- Language
- English
- Publication year
- 2017
- Type of publication
- Catalogue
- Number of pages
- 58
- 9788269026948
PNEK member nodes Atelier Nord, Oslo, p.12 Atopia, Oslo, p.16 BEK, Bergen, p.20 Dans for Voksne, Oslo, p.24 i/o/lab, Stavanger, p,26 Kunsthall Grenland, p.30 Lydgalleriet, Bergen, p.34 Notam, Oslo, p.38 Piksel, Bergen, p.42 TEKS, Trondheim, p.46 Utsikten, Kvinesdal, p.50 Friendly local structures outside PNEK, p.54 International collaborators and friendly structures, p.56