The Mediated Construction of Reality
- Author
- Nick Couldry and Andreas Hepp
- Publisher / Label
- Polity Press
- Country
- UK
- Language
- English
- Publication year
- 2016
- Type of publication
- Book
- Number of pages
- 256
- 9780745681313
Contents Preface and Acknowledgements 1 Introduction I Part I Constructing the Social World 2 The Social World as Communicative Construction 15 3 History as Waves of Mediatization 34 4 How We Live with Media 57 Part II Dimensions of the Social World 5 Space 81 6 Time 101 7 Data 122 Partin Agency in the Social World 8 Self 145 9 Collectivities 168 10 Order 190 11 Conclusion 213 Notes 225 References 210 Index 278