06 Introduction
08 Coded Cultures.
New Creative Practices out of Diversity
Georg Russegger
42 Projects ... Project Worlds ... Project Cultures
Christian Reder
68 Theory
70 Co-Evolutionary Anthropology of the Medial / CAM
Manfred FaBler
100 Art is about the Future; Otherwise, Nothing
Hiroshi Yoshioka
116 A Political Intervention in the Digital Realm
Marina Grzinic
136 Assembling Art, Design, Technology and Media Culture:
The Challenge of Japanese Device Art
Machiko Kusahara
160 The Future of Creative Commodities
in the Coded Cultures
Dominick Chen
200 Coded Cultures Between New Media Art
and Production Cultures
Matthias Tarasiewicz
218 Essays
220 »The Balance of my Wildness and my Intelligence
was Way 0ff«
David d’Heilly/Ujino Muneteru
242 Mouseology—Ludic Interfaces—Zero Interfaces
Mathias Fuchs/exonemo
262 Imaginary Agents—Flowers and the Common
Verina Gfader/BCL
280 Ludic Chindogus as Erotic Toys—
Pleasure, Play, and Politics Beyond Materialism
Margarete Jahrmann
304 Urban Playgrounds, Alternate Games—on Urban Play,
ARGs, and Psychogeography
Verena Kuni
334 From Somebody’s Desire to Everyone’s Responsibility
356 Glossary
368 Index
376 Biographies
380 Imprint
381 Acknowledgements