Dark Sound
- Author
- Mikel R. Nieto
- Publisher / Label
- Gruenrekorder
- Country
- Germany
- Language
- English, Spanish, Huao, Basque
- Publication year
- 2016
- Type of publication
- Book
- Number of pages
- 176
- 9783000523700
DIRTY EAR REPORT #2 sound, multiplicity, and radical listening Ricarda Denser / Lucia Farlnati / Claudia Firth / Ana Pais / Brandon LaBelle / Alexandre St-Onge / Tao G. Vrhovec Sambolec / James Webb WORKING SESSION I: October 28 - 31, 2013 In collaboration with the Nordic Sound Art Program WORKING SESSION II: March 5-12, 2014 MANIFESTATION / LOCATION: March 13-16, 2014 Bergen Academy of Art and Design