Series Foreword xi
Acknowledgments xiii
Credits xv Preface xvii
I The Models
Introduction 3
1. A New Architecture? 3
2. An Accidental Megastructure 8
3. Blur and Accident 13
The Nomos of the Cloud 19
4. Dividing Sovereignty 20
5. Over (and under) the Line 23
6. Land/Sea/Air/Cloud 28
7. The Nomos of the Cloud? 31
8. A Google Grossraum? 34
Platform and Stack, Model and Machine 41
9. Platforms 41
10. How Platforms Work 46
11. Stack as Model 52
12. Stack as Political Machine 55
13. Stacks That Were and Might Have Been 58
14. The Stack We Have 61
15. The Layers of The Stack 66
II The Layers Earth Layer 75
16. Discovering or Inventing Computation? 76
17. Digestion 81
18. Geo-graphy and Geoaesthetics 83
19. From Global Surface to Planetary Skin 87
20. Smart Grid: Ouroboros 92
21. Sensing and Sovereignty; Polities of Supply and Effect 97
22. Designing for versus Designing with Emergencies 101
23. Designing the Earth Layer 105
Cloud Layer 109
24. Platform Geography 111
25. The First Sino-Google War of 2009 112
26. Cloud Infrastructure 115
27. Cloud Polis 119
28. Platform Wars 124
29. Facebook 125
30. Apple 128
31. Amazon 131
32. Google 134
33. Future Cloud Polis and Platforms 141
City Layer 147
34. Reversible Grids 149
35. City as Layer 151
36. Exposure and Control 155
37. Force Finding Function Finding Form 160
38. Envelope and Apparatus 163
59. Designing for Mixed Envelopes, Mixed Programs 168
40. Programs, Subjects, and Zombie Jurisdictions 172
41. Megastructure and Utopia 176
42. Platform Cities 183
Address Layer 191
43. Scale, Scope, and Structure 193
44. Deep Address 197
45. Objects in The Stack 200
46. Addressability and Technique 205
47. IPv6 207
48. Communication and Composition 210
49. Absolute Incommunication 212
50. Distortion and Genesis 214
Interface Layer 219
51. What Interfaces Are 220
52. Interfaces at Hand: From Object to Sign to Object 222
53. The Interface as Layer 228
54. Interfaces in The Stack 1: The Aesthetics of Logistics 230
55. Interfaces in The Stack 2: Apps and Programming the Space at Hand 236
56. Interfaces in The Stack 3: Theo-Interfaciality 239
57. Geoscapes: Interfaces Drawing Worlds 243
User Layer 251
58. Origins of the User 254
59. Finding the Universal User 256
60. Quantified Self and Its Mirror 260
61. Trace and Frame 265
62. Maximum User 267
63. Death of the User 271
64. Animal User 274
65. AI User 277
66. Machine User 279
67. From User-Centered Design to the Design of the User 284
III The Projects The Stack to Come 293
68. Seeing The Stack We Have, Stacks to Come 293
69. Earth Layer to Come: God Bows to Math; Will Leviathan? 300
70. Cloud Layer to Come: Cloud Feudalism and Its Discontents 307
71. City Layer to Come: Multiple Utopias and Rough Totality 320
72. Address Layer to Come: Platform-of-Platforms 327
73. Interface Layer to Come: Ambient Interface 337
74. User Layer to Come: Inventing Users 343
The Black Stack 351 . • •
75. Angelus Novus Is Gone 351
76. The Stack and Its Others 355
77. Concluding Remarks on Design and The Black Stack 359
Glossary 367
Notes 377
Index 461