1.1 Connecting bridge between waterside and dockside ports,
Ningbo, China, 2009 2
2.1 Rajarhat “New Town,” Kolkata, 2011 38
2.2 Cargonauts demo game, 2014 43
2.3 Site for Thriassion freight center and rail line to Piraeus port, 2013 45
3.1 Port Botany wharf data visualization, 2012 67
3.2 Port Botany road data visualization, 2012 70
4.1 Scales in small-waste business, Ningbo, 2009 83
7.1 Number of significant international submarine systems completed,
1851-1911 155
7.2 Combined comparative table of estimated cable systems landings
per selected country/region 157
7.3 Estimated international submarine cable landings, 1845—1911 158
8.1 X-ray imaging system shows human passengers hidden in a truck 193