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BREAK 2.2 - Invisible Threat / Nevidna Grožnja

Samo Klemenčič and Urša Jurman
Publisher / Label
break festival
English, Slovene
Publication year
Type of publication
Number of pages


table of contents

o festivalu break 2.2/about break 2.2 festival 6
nevidna groznja/invisible threat               9
razstava/exhibition                           13
   Andrew Bucksbarg                           14
   Leon Grodski                               16
   Aleksandar Ještrovič-Jamesdin              18
   Oliver Kunkel                              20
   Jennifer & Kevin McCoy                     22
   Haruki Nishijima                           24
   Helene von Oldenburg & Ellen Nonnenmacher  26
   Sergey Provorov & Galina Myznikova         28
   Kathrin Pohlmann                           30
   Rene Rusjan                                31
   Nataša & Katja Skušek                      32
   Tina Smrekar                               34

simpozij/syposium                             35

   Darij Zadnikar                             36
   Borut Brumen                               37
   Rene Passet                                39
   Beatriz da Costa                           41
   Brooke Singer                              42
   Joey Skaggs                                44
   James L. Acord                             46
   Mike Hentz                                 49
   Mladen Dolar                               51
   Zoran Kanduč                               53
   Aldo Milohnič                              55
   Sergey Kara-Murza                          56

dogodki/events                                59

   Mike Hentz                                 60
   Yannis Kyriakides                          61
   f 18 & Brandshof                           64
   Katherine Moriwaki                         66
   Tao G. Vrhovec Sambolec                    68
   Pointless Creations                        70


   Thomas Aigelsreiter                        73
   Kerstin Cmelka                             74
   Pierre-Yves Cruaud                         74
   Karo Goldt                                 75
   Maia Gusberti ./Notdef                     76
   Nenad Kostič                               77
   Caz Mclntee                                77
   Margarida Paiva                            78
   reMI                                       79
   Michaela Schwentner                        79
   Tim Sharp                                  80
   Hubert Sielecki                            81
   Peter Tscherkassky                         81
   Max Pugh & Marc Silver                     82
   Suzanne Twining                            83
   Angelo Sacerdote                           84
delavnice/workshops                           85
   Humbert Christian Droz                     86
   Institute for Applied Autonomy             87
odprto ob 19h/open az 7 p.m.                  89
spremljevalni program/off program             90
zahvale/thanks to                             92
ekipa/staff                                   94