Preface 7
Foreword: Wolfgang Ernst’s Media-archaeological soundings 9
Liam Cole Young
Part 1 Definitions of Sonicity and the Sonic Time Machine
1. Introduction: On ‘sonicity’ 21
2. Beeing as ‘Stimmung’ 35
3. Sonic re-presencing 39
4. The sonic computer 43
Part II Cultural Soundings and Their Engineering
5. Resonance of siren songs: Experimenting cultural sonicity 49
6. Textual sonicity: Technologizing oral poetry 71
Part III Techno-Sonicity and Its Beeing-ln-Time
7. History or resonance? 85
8. From sound signal to alphanumeric symbol 107
9. Rescued from the archive: Archaeonautics of sound 113
10. Sonic analytics 129
Notes 143
Works cited 165
Index 179