Letters to the Editors 4-5
Old Computer New Computer 6
Style is; Cuba Libre! 8-9
lnterconnected@2000 10
The Man tn the Moon 11
E-Cash_Flash_Back 12
Linux Law Lords 13
Euros of Note 14
AQL Has Got Mail 16
The House of Zan 17
Currant Bun.Com 17
Kosov@ Media 18-25
Party Like It’s 1999 26
Anti-imperialist imperialism? Emancipatory
annexation? Ted Byfieid on the theory, prac-
tics and politics of tactical media à la Dutch
Sight Machine. War Machine.
Truth Machine: 32
Compare and contrast: Agustin de Quijano
on war, cinema and the newsmaker's eye
The Mode is the
Message-The Code
is the Collective 36
Old Boys un-define Cyberfemminism at the
Next Cyberfeminist International
Syzygy 38
Orphan Drift and the Cybernetic Culture
Research Unit Splice together number and
fiction for a new demonology
Dealing with Eco-data 44
On nature and interpretation at .gov and
.com. By Noortje Marres
Art is Useless 50
Josephine Berry talks to Vuk Cosic about the
eternal return of the avant-garde