1 trafford.doc
by Ejis Bend
A Joke Between Us
by Justin Spooner
2-3 Culture Club
Steaming, Streaming, Creaming...bottom up, top down and from behind
Concentrate Hard
the Cultural Industry and Divisive Funding Policies
Radio - International - City
an Infrastructure for Audio Data in the Internet
Sex slaves to public opinion -
Public Netbase kicks back...
4-5 Medium Roast
Meat, Mall, Millennial, Manifesto Mayhem
The TechnoSurrealist Manifesto
by R.U. Sirius
I'll be Your Mirror
fight the memory loss
Crash Course
Spam contains no nutrition.
I. Complain
II. Filters
III. Corrupt database
IV. Shut gateways (server admin)
V. Mail bombing
radio - to avoid danger stay away from this medium
Matze Schmidt
extra special
6-7 Was Weltgeist in Welt heisst: Doughnuts, Dollars, Airports, Trains, Cars, Marx, Old English Font converted in Illustrator. The rest is up Tokyo.
The End of History
History Never Started
History of Art for Airports
Philosophie Dans le Boudoir
or How Mirabelle Explains the End of History to Mona
8-9 Dialetics of Home brew
Jacob Jakobsen and Henriette Heise in conversation with Josephine Berry
Bulgarian Radio Culture in Legislative Limbo Land
Iassen Boyadjiev in conversation with Micz Flor
10-11 God and the Great CD Swindle
resolution number four
The Ballad of Lo-Fi Jo
or, how Sheila Gulag became a dope fiend
JJ. King
Robot Sex Slave
by Peter Carty
12 Waterfall
by: Sasha Mihaylowich