Preface and Acknowledgments vii
1 Introduction: Digital Technology and Popular Music Sound 1
2 Making Sense of Digital Spatiality: Kate Bush's Eerie Collage 21
3 The Instrument Formerly Known as the Machine: Hyperaccuracy and Sonic Richness in Prince's "Kiss" 43
4 The Rebirth of Silence in the Company of Noise: Portishead Going Retro 61
5 Cut-Ups and Glitches: The Freeze and Flow of Los Sampler's and Squarepusher 81
6 Seasick Computers: Microrhythmic Manipulation in the Era of Endless Undo 101
7 Autotuned Voices: Alienation and "Brokenhearted Androids* 117
8 Popular Music in the Digital Era 133
Notes 153
References 169
Index 183