Letters to the Editors 4-5
Game Conversation 6-7
Disney's Architecture 9
Barney's Interactivity 10
The Hole in the Pole 11
Pleasure Gardens 12-13
[kunst und technik] 14
A Belgian Band 14
Sounds of the Spheres 16
Net.Art Economies 18-19
Intercity Radiothon 20
Fashion 26-29
Hacks 22
David Hudson talks to Christine
Bader, director of 'hacks'
Linux 30
In the wake of media avalanche on
the topic, Danny O'Brien explores
some favourite clichés
Mediation 36
Korinna Patelis on the regulation
that dare not speak its name
New Frontier 44
The Net has lost its cachet as the
site of best resistance. Should the
Flesh stand to take its place?
By JJ King
Rite Stuff 50
Jerrel is having the time of her life -
twenty-one today! It's her birthaday
and she'll worry if she wants to.
A short story by David McKee
Audiophile 55
Read Me 58
Gaming 64
Art tm 68
Deep Blue 76
Art News 80