List of Figures xi
List of Musical Examples xiv
List of Tables xv
Foreword by Christian Wolff xvii
Introduction by Michelle Fillion xxi
Preamble. Gordon Mumma:
A Short Biography by Michelle Fillion xxvii
Part I. Unmarked Interchange:
Ann Arbor and the ONCE Years (1960–66)
Editor’s Introduction 1
1. Music’s Avant-Garde: What’s New? (1960) 3
2. Manifestations: Light and Sound: Milton Cohen’s
Space Theatre (1961) 8
3. An Electronic Music Studio for the Independent
Composer (1964) 14
4. The ONCE Festival and How It Happened (1967) 23
5. The ONCE Group’s Unmarked Interchange and
Night Train (1967) 36
Part II. Cybersonics and the Sonic Arts (1966–75)
Editor’s Introduction 39
6. Creative Aspects of Live-Performance Electronic
Music Technology (1967) 43
7. Alvin Lucier’s Music for Solo Performer 1965 (1967) 50
8. Two Cybersonic Works: Horn and Hornpipe
(1970–71/2012) 54
9. Music in America 1970: Points of View (1970) 63
10. A Brief Introduction to the Sound-Modifier
Console and Sun(flower) Burst (1972) 65
11. What We Did Last Summer: A Commentary
on ICES 1972 (1973) 73
12. Two Decades of Live-Electronic Music,
1950–70 (1975) 79
13. Witchcraft, Cybersonics, and Folkloric
Virtuosity (1975) 91
Part III. In the Cunningham Circle
Editor’s Introduction 99
14. A Day on the Road with the Cunningham
Dance Company (1971) 105
15. From Where the Circus Went (1975) 109
16. Robert Rauschenberg in the Creative Fields of
the Cunningham Dance Company (2012) 137
17. With Tudor the Organist (2013) 144
18. David Tudor the Composer along the Path
to Rainforest (2006/2013) 151
Part IV. Not Wanting to Say Anything about John (Cage)
Editor’s Introduction 157
19. Cage as Performer (2001) 159
20. John Cage, Electronic Technology,
and Live-Electronic Music (2012) 166
21. Twenty-Five Minutes with John Cage 179
Part V. Latin America
Editor’s Introduction 193
22. Innovation in Latin American ElectroAcoustical
Music (1986) 195
23. Briefly about Conlon Nancarrow’s Studies for
Player Piano (1977) 199
24. Uruguayan Diary: The Cuarto Curso
Latinoamericano de Música Contemporánea,
Cerro del Toro, Uruguay (January 3–17, 1975) 207
Part VI. An American Gallery
Editor’s Introduction 233
25. Nelson Mix for Gordon Mumma (1966) 235
26. Gordon Mumma’s Stovepipe for
Richard Nelson (1970) 236
27. Good Times Up on the Farm (1969/2013) 237
28. Merce and Ludwig (1971) 239
29. On the Ives Railroad (1977) 240
30. A Visit to Mount Olympus with
David Tudor (1996) 245
31. On George Cacioppo (2006) 247
32. Earle’s Worlds (2007) 251
Three Sonic Arts Union Sketches (2013) 253
33. Speaking Robert Ashley 254
34. Crossings with David Behrman 255
35. Becoming Alvin Lucier 256
36. Working with Pauline Oliveros (2013) 258
Part VII. Mumma on Mumma
Editor’s Introduction 261
37. Notes on My Creative Procedures (2009/2013) 263
Appendix. Selective List of Gordon Mumma’s
Musical Compositions 283
Notes 297
Works Cited 315
Index 323