July-August 00
12 CELEBRITY PORTAL: Yoko Ono imagines summer
14 MEME CULTURE: Leslie Savan asks whassup with "whassuuuuup?"
16 IN YOUR DREAMS: Paul D. Miller on Wave Twisters, DJ QBert's mind-twisting new hip hop cartoon
18 FRINGE RESEARCH: Do android anchorbabes dream of electric sheep? Steven Shaviro wonders about Ananova, the virtual newscaster
22 KUT KULTURE: Paul D. Miller on the digital détour: Freud's uncanny meets Transarchitectiires
Wired Women
26 On the Eve of the Future: Artbyte’s secret history of women and technology
32 Braingirlitude: Alissa Quart on Web animator Marina Zurkow
36 Gender Changer: Four female artists talk with Jon Ippolito about being digital women in a man's art world
40 Unauthorized Access: Cornelia Sollfrank's hunt for the mythical female hacker
Summer Books
46 Killing Time: Mark Dery on speed culture
50 Required Reading: Bruce Sterling, Sadie Plant, Malcolm Glad well, and 13 other digital taste-makers recommend their favorite beach books
54 Let's Get Lost: Mark Amerika on the new hyperfiction
55 Shooting From the Hip: Pia Presha strips the hype off Natacha Merritt's Digital Diaries
56 "Detected": Original SF from Afrofuturist pioneer Ishmael Reed
61 Artbyte Special Project: Architect Lebbeus Woods on war and the architecture of wounds
65 STYLE: Artist Emiko Kasahara on Japanese street style as extreme sport; photos by Derek Root
70 SHOWS: Sarah Bayliss on Barbara London's virtual tour of the Japanese art world
72 SHOWS: Tom Vanderbilt on the Cooper-Hewitt Design Triennial
76 BOOKS: Erik Davis on Sadie Plant's Writing on Drugs
78 BOOKS: McKenzie Wark on Aki Mizuta Lippit's Electric Animal
80 SOUND: Beth Coleman on Anti-Pop Consortium
81 SOUND: William Tell on Chicks on Speed
82 SOUND: Matthew Collin on Better Living Through Circuitry, Jon Reiss' documentary on rave culture
86 SCREEN: Steve Rittler on the latest in Japanimation
88 WWW: ®™ark on women's place in the New World Order
90 COOL SCHOOLS: Growgrams, Warbos, and Halos from the students at M.l.T.'s Media Lab
94 WARES: Howard Goldkrand confesses his handheld habit: electronic games and PDAs
96 EXIT STRATEGY: Daniel K. Raeburn on cartoonist Chris Ware's "Tales of Tomorrow"