2 Regulated transgresssions - The SymbioticA approach
4 Transgressing the selective membrane
7 List of Artworks & Artists
8 Guy Ben-Ary, Kirsten Hudson, Mark Lawson - In Potēntia, 2012
10 Andre Brodyk - PROTO-ANIMATE 20TP, 2013
12 Oron Catts, Ionat Zurr and Corrie van Sice - The Mechanism of Life – after Stephane Leduc , 2013
14 Tagny Duff - Living Viral Tattoos, 2008
16 Benjamin Forster - Kynic, 2013
18 Sam Fox - TechnoCulturalBodySuit series 1-3, 2013
20 Donna Franklin - Fibre Reactive, 2004
22 Verena Friedrich - CELLULAR PERFORMANCE, 2011-12
24 Nigel Helyer - Supereste ut Pugnatis (Pugnatis) ut Supereste (SPPS), 2013
26 Cat Hope - Sound of Decay, 2013
28 Svenja Kratz - HEK293T: The transformation of Johni or Oliver, 2010
30 Tissue Culture and Art Project - Victimless Leather, 2004