Preface: Stars in My Pocket Like Bits of Data ix
Introduction 1
1. “Reading at It”: Gertrude Stein, Information Overload,
and the Makings of Americanitis 37
2. Bob Brown, “Inforg”: The “Readies” at the Limits of
Modernist Cosmopolitanism 63
3. Human University: Charles Olson and the Embodiment
of Information 87
4. “When Information Rubs/Against Information”: Poetry
and Informatics in the Expanded Field in the 1960s 109
5. Paradise and Informatics: Lyn Hejinian, Bruce Andrews,
and the Posthuman Adamic 133
6. Vanguard Total Index: Conceptual Writing, Information
Asymmetry, and the Data Glut 153
Afterword.“Proliferating Raw Data”: Robert Grenier
in the Expanded Field of New Media Poetics 177
Acknowledgments 189
Notes 191
Index 235