Kiev, Moscow and Beyond
04 Dos Kind der Sage ist das Brett
(The Saw’s Child is the Board)
Yves Netzhammer
06 “Tear Off the Masks!"
Why Did Putin Lie About Crimea?
Stephen Holmes, Ivan Krastev
11 Tightrope
Taus Makhacheva
16 Those Who Meandered Through the Surf
Odessa, ca. 1981-1983
Yuri Leiderman
19 Odessa. Fragment 205
Yuri Leiderman. Andrey Silvestrov
22 Real Socialism Vanquished?
Owen Hatherley and Agata Pyzik discuss various aspects of
post-communist history, politics and art
28 The Demolition of the Russian Monument at Ayastefanos
Asli Çavuşoğlu
30 Struggling Against Icons
The Elimination of Soviet Monumental Art from
Ukraine’s Public Realm
Yevgen Nikiforov
34 “Everything Is PR”
How Peter Pomerantsev portrays the new Russia
Marci Shore
39 Our Common Struggle
Russia, Ukraine and the Role of the
International Artistic Community
Haim Sokol
42 Playing at Politics, Learning to Speak
Documentary Theater by Kyiv’s TanzLaboratorium Experiment
with Forms of Commonality
Larissa Babij
46 Unanswered Questions
An Interview with the Curators of the Kiev Biennale
that Never Was
Olga Jitlina
48 Credits