3 Welcome to the Age of Wonderland
4 Innovate for Your Life
5 Our Curious Engagement with Global Challenges
6 Shifting Reflexes from Disposal to Reuse
8 Playing Together
9 Wonderland Water
10 “Go Back to science, go back to nature; that's it.”
12 Wanted – Second Planet, in as good as or better condition/resources as earth
14 The Happy Origins of the Jatiwangi/Eindhoven Declaration of Claynialism
16 “We Believe there is always enough”
19 We are what we ate
20 Green & Fair Food: Mission (IM)possible?
22 An investigation into Celebrating more with less
24 Capitalising on “Radical Imagination”
26 The table is set. Now what?
27 Balancing Green and Fair Food Topics
30 Provocative seminar on food: report