Ivana Franke and Ida Momennejad, Two practices
of seeing, with eyes dosed. Contemporary art and
neuroscience in dialogue 9
Ida Mommenejad, Seeing with Eyes Closed:
the neuroepistemology of perceptual reality 15
Elena Agudio, Images Happen 23
Carl Michael von Hausswolff, Opening a Can of
Swedish Fermented Fish 28
Jimena Canales, Flash Force: A Visual History
of Might, Right and Light 34
Raqs Media Collective, Six Nervous Fragments 42
Moran Cerf, Projecting thoughts to an
external display using single-neuron
recordings in the human brain 50
Olafur Eliasson, Your rainbow panorama 56
Vittorio Gállese, Seeing art...beyond vision.
Liberated embodied simulation in aesthetic
experience 62
Semir Zeki, The neurology of ambiguity 67
Anton Burdakov, Out of Focus 73
Daniel Margulies, Seeing Behind the Eyes 76
Markus Miessen in conversation with Alexander
Abbushi, Neurospace 81
Ivana Franke 86
Biographies 88