Seven Years of Design Research and Experimentation in Electronic Textiles and Reactive Garments
- Author
- Joanna Berzowska
- Publisher / Label
- XS Labs
- Country
- Canada
- Language
- English
- Publication year
- 2010
- Type of publication
- Catalogue
- Number of pages
- 70
- 9780986586309
18·19 Intimate Memory 20·21 Spotty Dresses 22 Feathery Dresses 23 Birds & Numbers 24·25 Distract & Reclaim 26·27 Octopus 28·29 Accouphèn 30·31 Breast Dress 32·33 Blazer 34·35 Concertina 36·37 Constellation Dresses 38·39 Leeches 40·41 Krakow 42·43 Kukkia & Vilkas 44·45 AQ 46·47 SMOKS 48·49 Pulp-Based Computing 50·51 Bug 52 Tetsushi 53 SoundSleeves 54·57 SKORPIONS 58·59 Captain Electric 60·61 Cidziy 62·63 Karma Chameleon