Introduction vii
Henry Lowood and Michael Nitsche
I Reflections 1
1 Video Capture : Machinima, Documentation, and the History of Virtual
Worlds 3
Henry Lowood
2 From Game Mod to Low-Budget Film : The Evolution of Machinima 23
Matt Kelland
3 Arrested Development : Why Machinima Can ’ t (or Shouldn ’ t) Grow Up 37
Katie Salen
II Technology 51
4 Toward a Machinima Studio 53
Friedrich Kirschner
5 Image Future 73
Lev Manovich
6 Tangible Narratives : Emerging Interfaces for Digital Storytelling and
Machinima 91
Ali Mazalek
III Performance 111
7 Machinima as Media 113
Michael Nitsche
8 Encoding Liveness : Performance and Real-Time Rendering in Machinima 127
David Cameron and John Carroll
9 Machinima : From Art Object to Cultural Practice 143
Dan Pinchbeck and Ricard Gras
10 Of Games and Gestures : Machinima and the Suspension of Animation 159
Peter Krapp
IV Machine Cinema 175
11 How Do You Solve a Problem Like Machinima? 177
Michael Pigott
12 Machinimatic Realism : Capturing and Presenting the “ Real World ”of Video
Games 195
Jeffrey Bardzell
13 Undefi ning Machinima 219
Erik Champion
V Pedagogy 239
14 Everything I Need to Know about Filmmaking I Learned from Playing Video
Games : The Educational Promise of Machinima 241
Matthew Thomas Payne
15 Machinima and Modding : Pedagogic Means for Enhancing Computer Game
Literacy 257
Danny Kringiel
VI Context 275
16 Pink vs. Blue : The Emergence of Women in Machinima 277
Robert Jones
17 Participatory Fan Culture and Half-Life 2 Machinima : A Dialogue among
Ethnography, Culture, and Space 301
Gareth Schott and Bevin Yeatman
18 Don ’ t Mess with The Warriors: The Politics of Machinima 315
Matteo Bittanti
List of Contributors 339
Index 341