Data as Culture 2
- Author
- Shiri Shalmy
- Publisher / Label
- Open Data Institute
- Country
- UK
- Language
- English
- Publication year
- 2014
- Type of publication
- Catalogue
- Number of pages
- 28
3 Data as Culture 2 5 Data as Culture 2014 6 Curator's Statement 7 Artist's Work 8 Our Partners 11 Artists 12 James Bridle Watching the Watchers AQD Remembrancer 14 James Brooks Pillars of Hercules 15 Paolo Cirio Your fingerprints on the artworks are the artwork itself 20 Sam Meech Punchcard Economy 21 Thickear Pink Sheet Method 24 Yoha Invisible Airs 25 Endless War (with Matthew Fuller)