Introduction. How Color Became Code 1
Part 1. Chromatic Visions (400 B.C.-1969)
1. Colors Sacred and Synthetic 22
I. Classical and Modern Color: Plato through Goethe
II. Industrial Color: Synthetics through
Day-Glo Psychedelics
2. Synthetic Color in Video Synthesis 60
Part 2. Disciplining Color: Encounters with
Number and Code (1965-1984)
3. Informatic Color and Aesthetic
Transformation in Early Computer Art 102
4. Collaborative Computer Art and
Experimental Color Systems 140
5. From Chromakey to the Alpha Channel 174
Part 3. “Transparent” Screens for Opaque
Ontology (1984-2007)
6. Digital Infared as Algorithmic Lifeworld 210
7. The Photoshop Cinema 242
8. Postscript. A New Dark Age 278
Acknowledgements 295
Notes 296
Bibliography 312
Index 328