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The Machine: As Seen at the End of the Mechanical Age

K. G. Pontus Hultén
Publisher / Label
Museum of Modern Art
Publication year
Type of publication
Number of pages



Foreword and Acknowledgments 3

Lenders to the Exhibition 4

Introduction 6
Catalogue of the Exhibition 14

Notes 208

Bibliography 211

Index 212

Photograph Credlts 215

Schedule of the Exhibition and
Trustees of Participating Institutions 216

Anthes, John William 206
Balla, Giacomo 54,55, 56, 57, 58, 59
Bellmer, Hans 160
Boccioni, Umberto 52,60,61,62
Bracelli, Giovanni Battista 18
Brauner, Victor 161
Breer, Robert 192
Bugatti, Ettore 142
Calder, Alexander 148,149,150,151,152
César 185
Chaplin, Charles 157
Chirico, Giorgio de 64
Cruikshank, George 29
Daumier, Honoré 40-41
Delaunay, Robert 72
Duchamp, Marcel 74, 75, 76-77, 78, 79, 80-81,
Duchamp-Villon, Raymond 70-71
Dupuy, Jean 200
Durer, Albrecht (School of) 17
Elsken, Ed van der 175
Epstein, Jacob 65
Ernst, Max 120,121,122,123,124,
Exter, Alexandra 134
Farhner, Ray 180
Feininger, Lyonel 47, 48,49, 50,73
Fraenkel, Richard 207
Fuller, R. Buckminster 143
Gabo, Naum 106
Giacometti, Alberto 159
Goldberg, Rube 154,155,156
Goncharova, Natalia 68
Grosz, George 114,115
Haacke, Hans 195
Harmon, Leon D. 207
Harris, Hilary 203
Hausmann, Raoul 110,111
Höch, Hannah 117
Homer, Winslow 32
Jacquet-Droz, Pierre 21
Kienholz, Edward 183,190
Klapheck, Konrad 191
Klee, Paul 127
Lartigue, Jacques Henri 53
Lefèbvre, Camille 44
Léger, Fernand 140,141
Leonardo da Vinci 15,16
Lewis, Wyndham 66
Lissitzky, E! 113,128,129,130,131
Lumière, Auguste and Louis 37
Magritte, René 182
Malevich, Kasimir 69
Man Ray 98,99,153,158
Marey, Etienne-Jules 36
Matta 182
Maurisset, Théodore 40
McCay, Winsor 51
Méliès, Georges 43
Moholy-Nagy, Làszló 136,137,138,139
Morghen, Filippo 23
Munari, Bruno 164
Muybridge, Eadweard 38-39
Neuville, Alphonse M. A. de 42
Oldenburg, Claes 186-187
Paik, Nam June 197
Parkinson, Robin 205
Petitot, Ennemond Alexandre 18-19
Picabia, Francis 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90,
91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96
Polhem, Kristofer 22
Popova, Liubov 132
Raskin, Jeffrey 207
Rauschenberg, Robert 188, 189
Read, W. 28
Ribemont-Dessaignes, Georges 97
Rosenquist, James 184
Schamberg, Morton Livingston 100. 101
Schlemmer, Oskar 135
Schwartz, Lillian 204
Schwitters, Kurt 116,118-119
Selmersheim, Pierre 46
Severini, Gino 63
Seymour, Robert 27
Shannon, Thomas 193
Stankiewicz, Richard 176-177
Stella, Joseph 87
Takis 194
Tatlin, Vladimir 107-109,144-145
Tinguely, Jean 165,166,167,168-171,
Tobey, Mark 163
Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de 45
Tsai, Wen-Ying 201
Ultvedt, Per Olof 178
Vaucanson, Jacques 20
Vesnin, Aleksandr 133
Walton, W. 31
Watts, Robert 179
Young, La Monte 196
Young, Lucy Jackson 202