Full Table of Contents
Four Worlds: A Sound Entry. 1
i) Origins: The Sounding Museum Begins 3
ii) Components: The Sounding Museum Box of Treasures 5
iii) The Totem Pole: Book Structure and Digital Media 6
iv) Addendum: Raven Tales 11
Raven and Mink Go Bear Hunting 15
World One: Hearing Heritage. 17
0 Bells 17
I Historic Soundscapes 20
I.1 Sound History 21
I.2 The Meaning of Sound to Culture from the Historic Point of View 22
I.3 Historic Accounts of the Notion of Sound 31
II Captured Sound 36
II.1 A Brief History of Sound Recording 37
II.2 The Sound Hunters and the World Soundscape Project 39
II.3 Field Recording in Music 45
III Studying the Soundscape 46
III.1 Basic Features 47
III.2 Figure and Ground 54
III.3 The Distinct Soundscape 56
III.4 Listening Types 61
III.5 Acoustic Communication 62
IV Aisthetic Atmospheres 65
IV.1 Acoustic Atmospheres 70
IV.2 Museum Atmospheres 76
V Intangible Cultural Heritage 80
V.1 A new Historic Consciousness 81
V.2 Folklore and Nationalism: Birth of the Intangible 83
V.3 Rise of the Intangible 84
V.4 Intangible Heritage today 86
Chapter Summary and Outlook I 92
How Raven Stole the Sun 93
World Two: Into the Sonic Wild. 97
0) Prelude 97
Exposition: Coming to in Alert Bay 100
i) The Composition 102
ii) Field Recording 106
iii) Heavy Machines 108
iv) The Music of the Coast: The Piece 112
v) Being a Visitor 116
vi) Aftermath: When the Music’s Over 117
April to September 2009
How, of all the Jerkwater Towns on Earth, did I Happen to End up
in Alert Bay? 118
1st Movement: The Natural Soundscape 120
vii) Caught between the Rockies and the Pacific 123
October 2nd
Ecological Park: Wind and Water, Owls and Ravens, and the
Crows 127
2nd Movement: The Artificial Soundscape 129
viii) Peoples of the Coast 131
ix) Alert Bay 134
September 29th
The Carvers 135
3rd Movement: The Human Soundscape 141
x) Residential School 144
September 28th to October 9th
U’mista Cultural Centre: New Acquaintances 147
Intermission: The Wa Experience 152
xi) The Grease Trail 153
October 2nd/3rd
A Night at Woss Lake 155
4th Movement: The Cultural Soundscape 158
xii) Potlatch–To dance a Mask 163
xiii) Being a Tourist in Kwaki-Country: Methodological
Considerations 167
Touristy Interlude & Reprise: Down to Earth 169
Winter 2011/2012
Alert Bay Revisited 170
Chapter Summary and Outlook II 173
Prologue 175
Between the Worlds: How to make a Good Soundscape Composition and the Session Musician Approach. 177
a) What is a Good Cultural Soundscape Composition? 177
b) The Session Musician’s Approach and its Precursors 181
c) Coeval Collaboration and the Bandleader Oxymoron 191
d) Schizophonic Effects of Dislocated Cultural Sound 194
e) Final Remarks 196
Raven and the First Men 199
World Three: The Ethnographer’s Ear. 201
0 Point of Departure 201
0.1a) Objective and Chapter Structure 202
0.1b) Synopsis Anthropology 204
0.1c) Questions 207
0.2 The Savage and the Civilised 209
I Conquista Histórica: Encounters 216
I.1 Pictures of an Exhibition: Primitive Art 222
II Conquista Antropológica: The Classical Age of Anthropology and its
Repercussions 229
II.1 Currents: The Founding Fathers of Anthropology and their
Diadochi 230
II.2 Time and the Orient: Modern Critique of Classical Anthropology 235
II.3 Feldwork: A Musician of my Taste 243
III Conquista Particular: Anthropological Subjects Related to “Two Weeks in Alert Bay” 246
III.1 The Common Anthropoid: Generalisation Issues 246
III.2 “Indianer!”: Popular Books 250
III.3 Wikitalk: Naming the Other 252
III.4 The Apple Tree: Protocol and Copyright Schizophonia and
Presentation Formats 255
IV Conquista Igual: First Voices 260
IV.1 Napoleonic Law 261
IV.2 Simon’s Story 263
IV.3 A Boy who Cuts Paper into the Shape of his Face 266
V Conquista Personal (Reconquista) 271
V.1 My Story: Essentially Communication 272
V.2 Only A Sith Deals in Absolutes 278
V.3 Participant Observation Ain’t no Rock’n’Roll 281
V.4 Finally... 283
Chapter Summary and Outlook III 284
Raven and Fog Woman 287
World Four: Acoustic Experiences at the Lake. 289
I Museum: Origin, History, Purpose 291
I.1 History of the Museum 292
I.2 Aura and Constructed Meaning 296
I.3 Anthropology and Museum 299
I.4 Museum and Media: Intermediary Reassessment ICOM
Definition 302
II Sound in the Museum 306
II.1 Audioguide 306
II.2 Loudspeaker-Based Applications 309
II.3 Sound as the Central Medium 312
III NONAM/Sound Chamber 315
III.1 Two Weeks in the Museum 319
III.2 The Documenter and the Documentary 322
III.3 Workshop 325
III.3.1 Stage One: A Sound Education 327
III.3.2 Stage Two: Indian in a Box 338
III.3.2.1 The Permanent Exhibition 342
III.3.2.2 The Sound Chamber 342
III.3.2.3 Soundwalking 343
III.3.3 Raven Revisited 348
III.3.4 Conclusion 352
IV Coeval Museum Didactics 356
Chapter Summary and Outlook IV 364
The Two Ravens 365
Next World: The Way of the Mask. 368
i) Looking Back: Mission Accomplished? 369
ii) Expanding: Different Formats and Contexts 370
iii) The Future: First Voices and Sensory Holism? 373
iv) Towards an Auditory Anthropology 376
v) Applied Auditory Anthropology: Four Worlds Consolidated 382
xx) The Glocal Community: A whole World of Communication 385
Resources 387
a) Bibliography 387
b) Websites 395
c) Other 397
Notes on Audio Media 398
About the Author 402