Table of Contents
Colophon 3
Preface 5
Anne Nigten
Words of thanks 7
Anne Nigten
General Project information 9
Anne Nigten
The Mediawharf learning
environment 17
Anne Nigten
Education in a changing world 25
Peter Criellaard
The teachers’ new role as innovator
and learning process manager 29
Ralph Boeije and Harry Kotey
Learning as a
Process of Becoming 39
Kristina Andersen
It’s all about context! 45
Victor Diaz Barrales
Participatory art in an
educational context 51
Ida Toft
The Mediawharf design patches 63
Anne Nigten
Designing for playful
sense-making and listening 71
Ida Toft
The design process of the
headphones 77
Kati Bessenyei
Ethnography as a toolkit 85
Waldek Rapior
Blast Theory:
thoughts on co–creation 99
Ju Row Farr
Technical overview
Are You For Real? 105
David Jonas Marinho Neves
Super diversity and
social design 109
Chris van der Meulen, Anne Nigten
Emerging innovation:
Interactive streets 117
Anne Nigten
Interactive sound art in public
space 123
Laura Maes
Locative sound and
local acoustics 135
Sebastien Seynaeve
Overcoming the challenges
of Public/Urban
space interaction 143
David Jonas Marinho Neves
Smart Urban Lighting 151
Elke den Ouden, Rianne Valkenburg
The sky over Rotterdam 159
Victor Diaz Barrales
Biographies 162
Bibliography 166
Partners and sponsors 168