Table of Contents
Acknowledgments vii
Introduction 1
Lisa Gitelman and Virginia Jackson
Color Plates
Daniel Rosenberg, Thomas Augst, Ann Fabian, Jimena Canales, Lisa Lynch, Lisa Gitelman,
Paul E. Ceruzzi, Lev Manovich, Jeremy Douglass, William Huber, Vikas Mouli
1 Data before the Fact 15
Daniel Rosenberg
2 Procrustean Marxism and Subjective Rigor: Early Modern Arithmetic and Its
Readers 41
Travis D. Williams
3 From Measuring Desire to Quantifying Expectations: A Late Nineteenth-
Century Effort to Marry Economic Theory and Data 61
Kevin R. Brine and Mary Poovey
4 Where Is That Moon, Anyway? The Problem of Interpreting Historical Solar
Eclipse Observations 77
Matthew Stanley
5 "facts and FACTS": Abolitionists' Database Innovations 89
Ellen Gruber Garvey
6 Paper as Passion: Niklas Luhmann and His Card Index 103
Markus Krajewski
7 Dataveillance and Countervailance 121
Rita Raley
8 Data Bite Man: The Work of Sustaining a Long-Term Study 147
David Ribes and Steven J. Jackson
Data Flakes: An Afterword to "Raw Data" Is an Oxymoron 167
Geoffrey C. Bowker
List of Contributors 173
Index 179