List of Illustrations vii
Acknowledgments ix
Introduction 1
1. Thomas Watson: Natural Radio, Natural Theology 25
2. Microphonic Imagination 34
3. The Aeolian and Henry David Thoreau’s Sphere Music 41
4. The Aelectrosonic and Energetic Environments 53
5. Inductive Radio and Whistling Currents 69
6. Alvin Lucier: Brainwaves 83
7. Edmond Dewan and Cybernetic Hi-Fi 93
8. Alvin Lucier: Whistlers 106
9. From Brainwaves to Outer Space 115
10. For More New Signals 122
11. Sound of the Underground: Earthquakes, Nuclear Weaponry,
and Music 133
12. Long Sounds and Transperception 162
13. Pauline Oliveros: Sonosphere 174
14. Thomas Ashcraft: Electroreceptor 187
15. Black Sun, Black Rain 193
16. Star-Studded Cinema 205
17. Robert Barry: Conceptualism and Energy 218
18. Collaborating Objects Radiating Environments 227
19. Joyce Hinterding: Drawing Energy 237
20. Earth-in-Circuit 255
Notes 259
Index 317