Gerfried Stocker
16 THE BIG PICTURE-New Concepts for a New World
18 THE BIG PICTURE - Weltbilder fur die Zukunft
Thomas Macho
22 How Do World Pictures Take Shape?
27 Wie entstehen Weltbilder?
Friedrich Kittler
32 The History of Communication Media
43 Geschichte der Telekommunikationsmedien
56 63 Seiko Mikami
Featured Artist Ars Electronica 2012
56 Machining Perception
Andreas Broeckmann on the work of Seiko Mikami
63 Wahrnehmungsmaschinen
Andreas Broeckmann iiber das Werk von Seiko Mikami
Seiko Mikami
57 64 Desire of Codes
Adam Biy
72 Science is Culture
76 Wissenschaft ist Kultur
George M. Church
80 The Future of Practical Arts
80 Die Zukunft der praktischen Kttnste
Peter Sasowsky
John Me Cormack
84 87 Fifty Sisters
John Me Cormack
88 88 Codeform
ATR Hiroshi ishiguro Laboratory
90 91 Hugvie
92 92 New Images and New Concepts of our Brain
92 92 Brain Art Competition
Alexander Schafer
92 93 Space Ship
John Van Horn
94 94 Mapping Morphometry and
Connectedness of the Human Brain
Joachim Bottger
95 95 Edge-bundled DSI and Resting-State
Neda Jahanshad
96 97 HIV in the Elderly Human Connectome
CogniToo Team
97 98 CogniToo Adi Hoesle
99 99 Brain Painting
102 105 DATA + DESIGN - The New Big Picture
Dietmar Offenhuber, Katja Schechtner
108 110 Sensing Place / Placing Sense II -
Accountability Technologies
National Museum of Emerging Science and
Innovation (Miraikan)
112 115 The Miraikan TSUNAGARI Project
Buckminster Fuller Institute Austria
118 120 World Game Lab: On the Fly
Brandon Litman, Kyle Ruddick
122 125 One Day on Earth
128 128 Arthur Lipsett - The Image Machine
131 131 Pictures of Our World - Taken by Google Street
View and Google Earth
The Japan Media Arts Festival
134 134 The Big Picture of 3.11
Manfred Litzibauer
138 140 Global-Mind-Spirit
141 142 Wandering Eyes - Videokunst aus Shanghai
Arash & Arman T. Riahi
146 150 Everyday Rebellion
Open Commons 2012
154 Living with Digital Community Property
156 Leben mit digitalen Gemeingutern
Wikisym 2012
158 158 Wikis and Open Collaboration
Verband Freier Radios Oberdsterreichs / Radio FRO
160 Free Access is Preferable to Controlled Exclusion
163 Freier Zugang vor kontrolliertem Ausschluss
Sebastian Frisch 166167 Whisper Down the Lane
171 Out of Control-
What the Internet Knows about You
173 Ausser Kontrolle - Was das Netz iiber dich weift
Ingrid Schaumiiller-Bichl
174 Protection of Privacy
175 Schutz der Privatsphåre
Sichere Informationssysteme FH OO
176 Passwort Hacker
Ars Electronica Futurelab,
Sichere Informationssysteme FH OO
176 Timeline
Ars Electronica Futurelab
177 Telecommunications Data Retention
Julian Oliver, Oonja Vasiliev
178 Newstweek
Manu Luksch
179 Faceless
Ivan Averintsev, Wolfie Christl,
Pascals Qsterwalder, RalfTraunsteiner
179 Datadealer
Paolo Cirio, Alessandro Ludovico
180 face to facebook
Sichere Informationssysteme FH OO 182 Security / Privacy Check
5ichere Informationssysteme FH OO
182 Facebook Security
Amy Hoy, Thomas Fuchs
183 Twistori
Malte Spitz, OpenDataCity, Zeit Online
184 Handytracking
Vienna University of Technology
185 Surveillance Awareness Database (SAD)
Max Schrems, Ars Electronica Futurelab 187 Europe vs. Facebook
Karl Flsch, Scott Me Leod, Jeff Brenman
190 Did you know?
Jer Thorp
191 GoodMorning!
Ars Electronica Futurelab
192 SimLinz
Ars Electronica Futurelab
193 Linz Panorama
194 Telecommunications Data Retention
195 Vorratsdatenspeicherung
196 Information Request / Auskunfsbegehren
Cerfrled Stocker 202 The Cloud in the Web
voestalpine Klangwolke 2012
204 Die Wolke im Netz
voestalpine Klangwolke 2012
Hannes Leopoldseder
208 A Step into the Future
210 Ein Schritt in die Zukunft
Wolfgang Winkler
213 On a Tuesday Evening
216 An einem Dienstagabend
218 The Cloud in the Web-Storyline
230 Die Wolke im Netz - Storyline
Horst Hortner
234 238 Klangwolke Research & Development
Hideaki Ogawa, Emiko Ogawa
242 252 Klangwolken ABC
251 ABC Showcase at the Ars Electronica Center
254 Sounddoud Miniatures-Picnic in the Cloud
257 Klangwolken Miniaturen - Picknick in der Wolke
Yoshihiro Harano
258 260 The Amanogawa Project
Martin Honzik
261 263 A Klangwolke by All, for All
Gerhard Kiirner
266 Digital Media -The Change is the Challenge
268 Digitale Medien | Die Herausforderung liegt im Wandel
Michael Kaczorowski
269 Making Music in the 21st Century
271 Musikmachen im 21. Jahrhundert
Rupert Huber
274 276 teardrops
278 279 The Mobile 01 Atelier
282 283 Resonant Bridges
Die Grofte Konzertnacht
Maki Namekawa, Candas Sisman / NOHlab /
Plato Media Lab
289 289 Deep Space Music
294 295 Vocal-VI
Berlin University of the Arts
The Sound Studies Master’s Program
Sabine Sanio
298 300 Sound Studies and Auditory Cultures
Sam Auinger
302 302 Lebensraume
Alex Arteaga
313 314 Klangumwelt Ernst-Reuter-Platz
Interface Cultures at Ars Electronica Festival 2012
316 Interface Cuisine
Museumsakademie Joanneum
326 328 Media Art vs. Art Media
Ars Electronica Animation Festival 2012
332 334 Ars Electronica Animation Festival
Ars Electronica Futurelab
345 350 ZeitRaum
Heidrun Friese
354 356 Airport - Terminal Zero
Ars Electronica Futurelab
358 359 Pixelspaces
Ars Electronica Futurelab / China Academy of Art
362 365 Futurelab.Academy
Ars Electronica Futurelab / CMoDA
369 371 GeoCity Beijing
Ars Electronica Futurelab / OHMI Trust
372 373 The OHMI Ars Electronica Competition
376 Ars Electronica Export
External Exhibitions 2011/2012
376 Poetry of Motion, Osaka
378 Wild Card Workshops
381 Ars Electronica Animationfestival - On Tour
382 Ars Electronica - Impuls und Bewegung, Berlin
Martina Hechenberger, Theresa Schubert Minski
388 390 The Ars Electronica Archive
Zukunftsf estiva I der nåchsten Generation
394 u19 - CREATE YOUR WOLRD - Projects 2012
Rosi Crillmair
400 The Brain Comes up with Ideas ...
402 Das Hirn findet Ideen ...
Martin Hollinetz / OTELO 404 406 Create Your Region
410 Prix Ars Electronica 2012
International Competition for CyberArts
416 Biographies