A Thousand Aunts with Modems
Come In, CQ: The Body on the Wire 3
The Memoirs of a Token: An Aging Berkeley Feminist Examines Wired 24
How Hard Can It Be? 42
Closure Was Never a Goal in this Piece 56
Estrogen Brigades and "Bit Tits" Threads: Media Fandom Online and Off 73
Elites, Lamers, Narcs and Whores: Exploring the Computer Underground 98
We Are Geeks, and We Are Not Guys: The Systers Mailing List 114
Not for the Faint of Heart: Contemplations on Usenet 126
The Price of Admission: Harassment and Free Speech in the Wild, Wild West 141
Sex, Fear and Condescension on Campus: Cybercensorship at Carnegie Mellon 158
Cocktails and Thumbtacks in the Old West: What Would Emily Post Say? 169
"So Please Stop, Thank You": Girls Online 188
MUDder? I Hardly Know 'Er! Adventures of a Feminist MUDder 207
Like Magic, Only Real 224
Coming Apart at the Seams: Sex, Text and the Virtual Body 242
Resources 265
Contributors 267