The Metaphysics of Virtual Reality
- Author
- Michael Heim
- Publisher / Label
- Oxford University Press, USA
- Country
- Language
- English
- Publication year
- 1994
- Type of publication
- Book
- Number of pages
- 208
- 9780195081787
Table of Contents 1 Infomania 3 2 Logic and Intuition 13 3 Hypertext Heaven 29 4 Thought Processing 41 5 Heidegger and McLuhan: The Computer as Component 55 6 From Interface to Cyberspace 73 7 The Erotic Ontology of Cyberspace 83 8 The Essence of VR 109 9 Virtual-Reality Check 129 10 The Electronic Cafe Lecture 139 Useful Vocabulary for the Metaphysics of Virtual Reality 147 Selected Readings 163 Index 173