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The Fundamentals of Digital Art

Richard Colson
Publisher / Label
Ava Publishing
Publication year
Type of publication
Number of pages


  	Table of contents

  	Introduction                             006
  	How to get the most out of this book     010

  	1 The history & development 
      	of digital art                           012
      	A timeline of digital art                014
      	Dynamic exchanges                        018
      	Cultural dialogues                       024
      	Cybernetic serendipity                   028

  	2 Live art                               032
      	Unmasking the digital image              034
      	Physical computing                       042
      	Reverse engineering                      046
      	Using feedback                           050
      	Communicating digitally                  052
      	Dynamic spaces                           054
      	Electronics in the studio                058

  	3 Data into art                          062
      	Data as a creative asset                 064
      	New displays for interpreting data       072
      	Intelligent environments                 078
      	The Internet as a collaboration arena    082
      	Narratives and the database              084
      	Comparing human and computer vision      088

  	4 Creative priorities for coding         092
      	Finding a heart in the code              094
      	New programming tools                    098
      	Relinquishing creative control           100
      	Object-oriented programming              104
      	Hierarchies                              106
      	Computer principles for artists          110

  	5 Art and networks                       114
      	Online networks                          116
      	The roaming artist                       118
      	Mischief and subversion                  122
      	Mixed-reality gaming                     124
      	Online gaming                            126
      	A sense of place                         128
      	Telematics and vicarious experience      132
      	Collaborative art using networks         134

  	6 Digital hybrids                        136
      	Taking creative risks with technology    138
      	Virtual environments                     140
      	Changing interfaces                      144
      	Negotiating with specialists             148
      	Working across media and platforms       150
      	Digital media and other practice         154

  	Postscript                               156
      	Conclusion                               158
      	Further resources                        160
      	Glossary                                 168
      	Index                                    170
      	Acknowledgements                         176