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Delusive Spaces

Eric Kluitenberg
Publisher / Label
NAi Publishers
The Netherlands
Publication year
Type of publication
Number of pages


Introduction                                                    I
Navigating the Delusive Spaces of Media and Technology
Part i
Archaeologies of the Machine
Archaeology                                                     38
Discourse Analysis, Media Archaeology, the Megamachine,
Libidinal Mechanics
Cosmic Machine                                                  74
Assessing the Clockwork Metaphor of the Heavens
Time Machine                                                    96
On Machines for Measuring Time and Machines for Travelling in Time
Body Machine / Machine Body                                    117
Excess of the Libidinal Machine
War Machine                                                    I49
The Formation of the Modern War Machine and the Disciplined
Machine Body
Libidinal Machines / Imaginary Media                           165
On Machines that Mediate Impossible Desires
Notes                                                          183
Part ii
Politics and Uses
The Post-Governmental Condition                                190
Politics beyond the Government
The Intensification of Time                                    214
Speed, Ubiquity and the Vision Machine
The Politics of Cultural Memory                                228
Identity, Belonging and Necessity
'freedom'                                                       242
Cyberspace Independence and Contemporary Gnosticism
Constructing the Digital Commons                                259
A Venture into Hybridization
Mindful Disconnection                                           272
Counterpowering the Panopticon from the Inside
The Pleasure of the Medium                                      277
Jouissance and the Excess of Writing
The Society of the Unspectacular                                285
Leaving Debord Behind
Virtual Life                                                    288
Can There Be Such a Thing as 'Community' in the Infosphere?
Media without an Audience                                       294
Networked Presence and Radical Privatisation
Mediate YourSelfi                                               304
Create Your Own Solutions
Notes                                                           313
Part iiin
Questioning the Unrepresentable
The Unrepresentable                                             318
Infinity, Rupture and the Secret
Transfiguration of the Avant-Garde                              328
The Negative Dialectics of the Net
A Sublime Encounter                                             348
Observations on Art and Terrorism
The Sublime Unrepresentability of War                           372
Silence of the Disaster
Notes                                                           383
Bibliography                                                    385