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Animal Spirits: A Bestiary of the Commons

Matteo Pasquinelli
Publisher / Label
NAi Publishers
The Netherlands
Publication year
Type of publication
Number of pages


Acknowledgments		11	
Introduction		13	
Chapter I Animal Spirits: A Conceptual Bestiary	
The Diseases of the Empire
London Sinking: The Psychopathology of Everyday Cultural Life
Institute of Contemporary Boredom: The Art World as Symptom
Radically Correct: The Unconscious Puritanism of Activism
The Removal of the Animal Body and the New Commons
The Dark Side of the Multitude
The Animal Open to the World
Restoration of a Bicephalous God
A Conceptual Bestiary of the Commons
A Conceptual Bestiary
The Bicephalous Eagle: The Ambivalence of Power and Desire
The Parasite of the Commons: Alliance and Sabotage
The Hydra of Language: The Biomorphic Unconscious of Culture
Chapter II The Parasite of the Commons: Digitalism and the Economy of 'Free Culture'	
The Biosphere of Machines: Enter the Parasite
The Living Energy of Machines and the Surplus
Michel Serres and the Cybernetic Parasite
Diagram of an Immaterial Parasite
Intermezzo: Baudrillard in the Whirlpool of Sign
Digitalism: The Impasse of Media Culture
The Flesh Is Made Code
The Ideology of Free Culture
Against the Creative Anti-Commons
Towards the Autonomous Commons
The Poverty of Networks
A Parasite Haunting the Hacker Haunting the World
Rent: The Dystopian Parasite of Cognitive Capitalism
Rent Is the New Profit
Rent Is the Other Side of the Commons
The Fourth Dimension of Cognitive Capitalism
A Taxonomy of Immaterial Parasites
The Bicephalous Multitude and the Grammar of Sabotage
Chapter III The Hydra of Language: The Biomorphic Unconscious of Culture Industry	
Immaterial Civil War: Prototypes of Conflict within Cognitive Capitalism
My Creativity Is My Conflict
The Public Life of a Cognitive Object
Lazzarato Reading Tarde: The Social Dimension of Value
Enzo Rullani and the 'Law of Diffusion'
David Harvey and the Collective Symbolic Capital
Immaterial Civil War and the Common
The Sabotage of the Cognitive Parasite
Creative Sabotage in the Factory of Culture: Art, Gentrification and the Metropolis
The 'Life of the City' versus the Chimera of the 'Creative City'
Introducing the New Urban Frontier
The Hydra of Concrete behind the European 'Creative Cities'
The Metropolis as Social Factory and Motor of the Surplus
Intermezzo: Radical Cities: Negative Index versus Positive Index
The Collective Symbolic Capital and the Asymmetries of the Common
The Artistic Mode of Production
The Dispostifs of the Factory of Culture
Be Uncreative: Linguistic Games on the Surface of the Metropolis
The Grammar of Sabotage and the Institution of the Common
Chapter IV The Bicephalous Image: The Just Masochism of the Imaginary	
Neurology and Profonation of the Optical Unconscious
The Bicephalous Image: Questioning the Autonomy of the Imaginary
'Fiction Is a Branch of Neurology'
'Neuronic Icons on the Spinal Highway'
The Latent Sexual Character of the War'
Pornography Is a Powerful Catalyst for Social Change'
Pessimism of Senses, Optimism of Nerves: Deleuze's Francis Bacon
First Disambiguation: Code Claustrophobia and the Poverty of the Subject
Second Disambiguation: Biodigitalism and False Organicism
The 'Civilization of Images' and the Profanation of Pornography
I Like to Watch! Warpunk against Warporn
The Grinning Monkeys (of Peace Activism)
Videoclash of Civilizations
Animal Narratives for the Global Mind
Digital Anarchy: A Videophone versus the Empire
Warporn: The Sexual Content of War Imaginary
The Reset of Imaginary
Warpunk: Like to Watch!'
Libidinal Parasites: Netporn and the Machinic Excess
Porn on Diazepam and the Technopathology of Immaterial Labour
The Thermodynamics of Pornography
The Entropy of Desire and the Negentropy of Machines
Vortices Accumulating Crystals of Time
Libidinal Parasites and the Accumulation of Libidinal Surplus
Notes		211	
Bibliography		229