1 Why collaboration is important (again) 1
Rishah Aiyer Ghosh
I Creativity and Domains of Collaboration 7
2 Imagined collectivities and multiple authorship 13
Marilyn Strathern
3 Modes of creativity and the register of ownership 29
James Leach
4 Some properties of culture and persons 45
Fred Myers
5 Square pegs in round holes? Cultural production,
intellectual property frameworks, and discourses of
power 61
Boatema Boateng
6 Who got left out of the property grab again : oral
traditions, indigenous rights, and valuable old
knowledge 75
Anthony Seeger
7 From keeping "nature's secrets" to the institutionalization
of "open science" 85
Paul A. David
II Mechanism fo Collaboration 109
8 Benefit-sharing : experiments in governance 113
Cori Hayden
9 Trust among the algorithms : ownership, identity, and the
collaborative stewardship of information 127
Christopher Kelty
10 Cooking-pot markets and balanced value flows 153
Rishah Aiyer Ghosh
11 Coase's penguin, or, Linux and the nature of the firm 169
Yochai Benkler
12 Paying for public goods 207
James Love and Tim Hubbard
III Ownership, Property, and the Commons 231
13 Fencing off ideas : enclosure and the disappearance of the
public domain 235
James Boyle
14 A renaissance of the commons : how the new sciences and
Internet are framing a new global identity and order 259
John Clippinger and David Bollier
15 Positive intellectual rights and information exchanges 287
Philippe Aigrain
16 Copyright and globalization in the age of computer
networks 317
Richard Stallman