(07) Maximum emotions for minimum budget!
Readme 100 software art factory
(09) Inke Arns,Francis Hunger:The Clean Rooms’
Dirty Secret.«Temporary Software Art Factory».
Readme 100 in Dortmund,Germany,2005
(16) Olga Goriunova,Alexei Shulgin:Interfacing Art to Art,
Audience and Culture and Vice Versa
(25) Alessandro Ludovico:Spam,the Economy of Desire
(41) Christophe Bruno:Cosmolalia
(57) Renate Wieser, Julian Rohrhuber: Part one.The Invisible Hand
Part two.The Invisible Hand Machine
(73) Special Guest:Reject Me.State Scrounging as Means of Production
(78) Leonardo Solaas:Outsource me!
Eric Londaits:Go-Logo
(94) Yves Degoyon,elpueblodechina,Sergio Moreno,
Jaume Nualart and others:MapOMatix
(105) Javier Candeira:Towards a Permanently Temporary Software
Art Factory.(Notes for the Sustainability of Software Artifacts)
(122) Ilia Malinovsky:LYCAY (Let Your Code plAY)
(128) Sven Koenig:aPpRoPiRaTe!
(135) Mitchell Whitelaw:System Stories and Model Worlds/
A Critical Approach To Generative Art
(157) Notes on contributors
(164) On HMKV (Hartware MedienKunstVerein)
(167) AcknowledgementsTABLE OF CONTENTS