Of Process and Gesture: A Publishing Act
Nat Muller and Alessandro Ludovico pag. 6
-The Art of Publishing
Interview with Regine Debatty Alessandro Ludovico, pag. 14
Processual Editing and -empyre- Soft-Skinned Space: a
Personal Account Christina McPhee pag. 22
Manifesto for an Active Archive Arteleku-Constant, pag. 28
Instances of a purloined voice Nasnn Tabatabai & Babak
Afrassiabi, pag. 34
-Publishing the Public
The Spheres of the Public Jaime Iregui, pag. 44
What May We Expect from a Contemporary Channel?
Patricio Canetti and Leandro de Paula, pag. 58
Publishing the Public: Why bother? Jelena Vesic (Prelom
Magazine), pag. 64
-Hacktivist Publishing
“Another Culture is Possible”-not Impossible!
A conversation between Fran llich and Cornelia Sollfrank, pag 72
Why MorelsMore / Network Distribution System?
The OpenMute team, pag. 84
Awkward Gestures: Designing with Free Software
Open Source Publishers, pag 90
Little Machines Miguel Carvalhais, pag 98
Ghosted Publics, the Unacknowledged Collective’ in the
Contemporary Transformation of the Circulation of
Ideas Andrew Murphie, pag. 102
- Contributors and Acknowledgements
Biographies pag 114
Acknowledgements pag. 119