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The Art of the Accident : Merging of Art, Architecture and Media Technology

Bart Lootsma, Joke Brower
Publisher / Label
NAI Publishers
Publication year
Type of publication
Number of pages



N. Katherine Hayles                   How does it feel to be Posthuman?	                210

Perry Hoberman                        Mistakes & Misbehavior                            72

Knowbotic Research+cF                 IO_Dencies_Questioning Urbanity                   186

Steve Mann                            Experiment is Accident	                        48

Brian Massumi                         Event Horizon	                                154

Humberto Maturana                     We Living Systems	                                230

Marcos Novak                          Next Babylon: Accidents to Play In                102

Dick Raaijmakers                      Right to Risk	                                6

Otto E. Rossler                       The World as an Accident	                        172

Lars Spuybroek                        Where Space gets Lost	                        132

Paul Virilio                          Surfing the Accident	                        30

                                      DEAF98 Summary                                    250

                                      Biographies                                       252, 253

                                      Colophon                                          254


John Bain (USA)                       The Mutant Data Orchestra	                        235

Mark Bain (USA)                       The live Room - Transducing Resonant Architecture 79, 81

Buraau of Inverse Technology (USA)    BitPlane and other BiT Products      	        149, 161

Călin Dan (RO/NL)	              Happy Doomsday! 	                                57, 59

Diller + Scofidio (USA)               Jet Lag                	                        53, 55

Timothy Druckrey (USA)                Why 2K or                                         89, 91, 93

Masaki Fujihata (J)                   Nuzzle Afar 	                                193, 195

Perry Hoberman (USA)                  Systems Maintenance	                        73, 75, 77

JODI (NL/B)                           oss/****       1, 28, 29,46, 47, 70, 71, 100, 101, 130, 131, 152, 153,

                                      170, 171, 184, 185, 208, 209, 22,. 229, 243, 245, 248, 249, 256

KIT (GB)                              COTIS	                                        203, 205, 207

Knowbotic Research (D/A)	      IO dencies                                        187, 189, 191

Gunter Krüger (D)	              Compactor (The Machine)	                        83

Ed van Megen (NL/D)	              Acces all Auccidents                              95, 97

Seiko Mlkami (J/USA)                  World, Membrane & the Dismembered Body	        143, 145 ,147

Gebhard Sengmüller (A)	              Vinyl Video	                                61, 63

Debra Solomon (NL)	              the living                                        85, 87

Tamas Waliczky (H)	              Sculptures	                                139, 141

Herwig Weiser (A)	              zgodlocator	                                197, 199, 201

Aaron Williamson (GB)	              Hearing Things (The Oracle)	                85, 87

                                      Online Reality in 3D     	                        237, 239, 241

                                      Unreliable website DEAF98         	        251

transArchitectures 02 + 03

Introduction                                                                            7

ABB/TUD B. Franken (D)	              laa Pavilion + Orbit	                        25, 27

Arakawa/Gins (USA)	              Achitectural Body                                 31, 33

Asymptole (F)	                      The Difference - Scape                            35, 37

Maunce Benayoun (F)	              Missing Matter	                                39, 41

Objectile/Cache, Beauce, Hammoudi (F) The pursuit of philosophy by other means?         227
Karl S. Chu (USA)	              the Sphere of Virtuality  ...	                43, 45

CyfberNet/K [A] (B)	              The End of the Monolith	                        111, 113

Decoi (F)	                      Hystera Protera	                                9, 11

degré zero (F)	                      Retina critique	                                115, 117

Neil Denari (USA)	              No More Landforms	                                13, 15

Dunne + Raby (GB)	              Hertzian Space	                                119, 121

Ammar Eloueini (F)                    ctrl.alt.del                                      17, 19

John & Julia Frazer (GB)	      Evolutionary Architecture	                        21, 23

Christain Girard (F)                  TRILOG                              	        123, 125

Gregoire Kligerman Petetin (F)	      Modus Endogène	                                127, 129

LAB[au](B)	                      Pop into the Transit(e)zone	                173, 175

Greg Lynn (USA)	                      Animate	                                        69, 99, 159, 161, 255

F. Meadoars/F. Nantois (F)            (:-} - IMHO _ )	                                231, 233

Ben + Laura Nicholson (USA)    	      Thinking the Unthinkable House	                211, 213

Marcos Novak (USA)	              Indirection: Speaking in Tongues	                103, 105

NOX/Lars Spuybroek (NL)	              Liquidizing	                                155, 157

Kas Oosterhuis (NL)        	      Saltwater Pavilion	                        107, 109

Reiser + Umemoto (USA)	              4 Protects 	                                163, 165

ROCHE, DSV & Sie. (F)	              Making with to do less	                        177, 179
Philippe Samyn (B)	              Structural Morphology	                        215, 217

Nasrine Seraji (F)	              l'Architecte et I'Ordinateur	                219, 221

Adrien Sina (F)	                      Amorphous Transitions	                        181, 183

Neil Spiller (GB)	              'Breaking the House Rules            	        223, 225

Bernard Tschumi (F/USA)	              Jump	                                        167, 169