Table of Contents
Ars Electronica 2001 12
TAKEOVER: who's doing the art of tomorrow
TAKEOVER - about the thing formerly known as art 13
Takeover Logo 21
Takeover 22
Looking for Art in All the Wrong Places 28
Design Creativity in Emerging Technologies 41
Dialtones: A Telesymphony 54
If you don't think this is art, call... 60
Neverwake - The New Novel by Tobias O. Meissner 62
Perceptual Phenomena and Computer Games 66
Field Work 72
TGarden 76
Mediadrive 80
featuring Vladislav Delay 92
Container Park 96
Digital Shanachies 102
ff - female takeover 111
Superstrings 114
Creators of Life
Bio Art: Proteins, Transgenics, and Biobots 118
SymbioticA, The Art and Science Collaborative Research Laboratory 132
Fish & Chips 141
wetware 148
Chromosome Studies 158
Green or How a Light Turns the World Upside Down 160
electroloby: next level attitude 166
Prix Ars Electronica 2001 218
Engineers of Experience
Look Mickey, "just do it" it the Museum Mall 220
The Third Place 232
Metaphors of Participation 240
Get in Touch 248
Interactive Window 261
Strategies of Intertainment 264
Pixel Spaces
Pixel + Space Management 270
Apartment 288
Tendril 290
Valence 291
Pixelspaces 292
EVL: Alive on the Grid 297
Ruckprojektion 306
launching xxero 310
From Document to Event
On Interactivity 316
UnitM 324
Digital Preservation: Recording the Recording 334
Digital Images Between Half-life and Timelessness 346
A sophisticated soiree 352
The Finalists 354
onScreen 356
Undertakings of Art
What's the Matter with the Institutions of Art? 360
Now! Everything! And Then What? 368
Beta Lounge 375
Singlecell 385
Media Spasm, Meaningless Divertissement and Crash 388 400
take over systems, connect systems 406
s.EXE interactives 407
meatspace - an experiment 408
Biographies 412