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Sound Unbound: Sampling Digital Music and Culture

Paul D. Miller
Publisher / Label
The MIT Press
Publication year
Type of publication
Number of pages


Foreword by Cory Doctorow  ix	

1  An Introduction, or My (Ambiguous) Life with Technology   1
   Steve Reich

2  In Through the Out Door: Sampling and the Creative Act   5	
   Paul D. Miller

3  The Future of Language   21	
   Saul Williams
4  The Ecstasy of Influence: A Plagiarism Mosaic   25	
   Jonathan Lethem

5  ``Roots and Wires'' Remix: Polyrhythmic Tricks and the Black Electronic   53	
   Erik Davis

6  The Life and Death of Media   73	
   Bruce Sterling

7  Un-Imagining Utopia   83	
   Dick Hebdige

8  Freaking the Machine: A Discussion about Keith Obadike's Sexmachines   91	
   Keith + Mendl Obadike

9  Freeze Frame: Audio, Aesthetics, Sampling, and Contemporary Multimedia   97	
   Ken Jordan and Paul D. Miller

10 A Theater of Ideas: An Interview with Steve Reich and Beryl Korot on Three Tales   109	
   David Allenby

11 Quantum Improvisation: The Cybernetic Presence   119	
   Pauline Oliveros

12 The Ghost Outside the Machine   131	
   Robin Rimbaud

13 The Musician as Thief: Digital Culture and Copyright Law   135	
   Daphne Keller

14 Integrated Systems: Mobile Stealth Unit   151	
   Beth Coleman and Howard Goldkrand

15 An Interview with Moby 155	
   Lucy Walker

16 Zingl Went the Strings   161	
   Joseph Lanza

17 Renegade Academia   171	
   Simon Reynolds

18 The World of Sound: A Division of Raymond Scott Enterprises   181	
   Jeff E. Winner

19 From Hip-Hip to Flip-Flop: Black Noise in the Master-Slave Circuit   203	
   Ron Eglash

20 South Africa's Rhythms of Resistance   215	
   Lee Hirsch

21 The Virtual Breeding of Sound   219	
   Manuel DeLanda

22 Zoom: Mining Acceleration   227	
   Liminal Product: Frances Dyson ans Douglas Kahn

23 An Interview with Alex Steinweiss   233	
   Carlo McCormick

24 Stop. Hey. What's That Sound?   245	
   Ken Jordan

25 Permuting Connections: Software for Dancers   265	
   Scott deLahunta

26 On Improvisation, Temporality, and Embodied Experience   273	
   Vijay Iyer

27 Spin the Painting: An Interview with Nadine Robinson   293	
   Alondra Nelson

28 Camera Lucida: Three-dimensional Sonochemical Observatory   299	
   Evelina Domnitch and Dmitry Gelfand

29 Fear of a Muslim Planet: Hip-Hop's Hidden History   313	
   Naeem Mohalemen

30 Three Pieces   337	
   Chuck D

31 Bells and Their History   343	
   Brian Eno

32 What One Must Do: Comments and Asides on Musical Philosophy   353	
   Daniel Bernard Roumain (DBR)

33 An Interview with Pierre Boulez   361	
   Hans Ulrich Obrist and Philippe Parreno

34 Adh'an: The Sounds of an Islamized Orthodoxy   375	
   Ibrahim Quraishi

35 Theater of the Spirits: Joseph Cornell and Silence   377	
   Catherine Corman

36 Where Did the Music Go?   385	
   Jaron Lanier

Audio CD Credits   391	
Index	395