7 Introduction
A short history of technology and art 8;
The presentation, collection, and preservation of digital art 23
27 Chapter 1
Digital Technologies as a Tool
Digital imaging: photography and print 28; Sculpture 60
67 Chapter 2
Digital Technologies as a Medium
Forms of digital art 70; Installation 71; Film, video, and
animation 96; Internet art and nomadic networks 111;
Software art 124; Virtual reality and augmented reality 125;
Sound and music 132
139 Chapter 3
Themes in Digital Art
Artificial life 139; Artificial intelligence and intelligent
agents 146; Telepresence, telematics, and telerobotics 154;
Body and identity 165; Databases, data visualization,
and mapping 171,; Beyond the book: text and narrative
environments 189; Gaming 196; Tactical media, activism,
and hacktivism 204; Technologies of the future 212
216 Glossary
217 Artists' web sites and online art projects
218 Digital arts organizations and networks, museums, and galleries
218 Digital art festivals
218 Select new media art exhi bi tions
219 Select bibliography
220 List of illustrations
222 Index