6 L'arte nell'era della distribuzione digitale
26 0100101110101101.ORG - Life Sharing
28 Cory Arcangel - Super Mario Clouds
30 Natalie Bookchin - The Intruder
32 Jonah Brucker-Cohen and Katherine Moriwaki -
34 Heath Bunting and Kayle Brandon - BorderXing Guide
36 Shu Lea Cheang - Brandon
38 Vuk Cosic - Deep ASCII
40 Electronic Disturbance Theater - Zapatista Tactical FloodNet
42 Etoy - etoy.Share
44 Mary Flanagan - [domestic]
46 Ken Goldberg - Telegarden
48 Natalie Jeremijenko - A-trees
52 Paul Kaiser and Shelley Eshkar - Pedestrian
54 John Klima - Glasbead
56 Knowbotic Research with Peter Sandbichler - Minds of Concern::Breaking News
58 Golan Levin with Scott Gibbons, Gregory Shakar and Yasmin Sohrawardy -
Dialtones: A Telesymphony
60 Olia Lialina - My Boyfriend Came Back From the War
62 Rafael Lozano-Hemmer - Vectorial Elevation
64 Jennifer and Kevin Mccoy - Horror Chase
66 Mouchette -
68 Mtaa - 1 year performance video (aka samHsiehUpdate)
70 Mark Napier - Shredder 1.0
72 Mendi and Keith Obadike - The Pink of Stealth
74 Radioqualia - Free Radio Linux
76 Raqs Media Collective - Opus
78 Rsg - Carnivore
80 [registered Trademark] ARK -
82 Anne-Marie Schleiner, Joan Leandre and Brody Condon - Velvet-Strike
84 Alexei Shulgin - 386 DX
86 John F. Simon, Jr. - aLife
88 Cornelia Sollfrank - Female Extension
90 Wolfgang Staehle - 2001
92 Torolab - The Region of the Transborder Trousers (La region de los pantalones transfronterizos)
94 Young-Hae Chang Heavy Industries - Bust Down the Door Again!
Gates of Hell-Victoria Version