Series Foreword vii
Acknowledgments ix
Introduction xiii
1 1998: A Conceptual Event 1
2 2001: What Is Sonic Warfare? 5
3 2400-1400 B.C.: Project Jericho 15
4 1946: Sonic Dominance 27
5 1933: Abusing the Military- Entertainment Complex 31
6 403-221 B.C.: The Logistics of Deception 35
7 1944: The Ghost Army 41
8 1842: Sonic Effects 45
9 1977: A Sense of the Future 49
10 1913: The Art of War in the Art of Noise 55
11 1989: Apocalypse Then 59
12 1738: Bad Vibrations 63
13 1884: Dark Precursor 69
14 1999: Vibrational Anarchitecture 75
15 13.7 Billion B.C.: The Ontology of Vibrational Force 81
16 1931: Rhythmanalysis 85
17 1900: The Vibrational Nexus 91
18 1929: Throbs of Experience 95
19 1677: Ecology of Speeds 99
20 99-50 B.C.: Rhythm out of Noise 105
21 1992: The Throbbing Crowd 109
22 1993: Vorticist Rhythmachines 113
23 1946: Virtual Vibrations 117
24 2012: Artificial Acoustic Agencies 123
25 1877: Capitalism and Schizophonia 129
26 1976: Outbreak 133
27 1971: The Earworm 141
28 2025: Deja Entendu 149
29 1985: Dub Virology 155
30 1928: Contagious Orality 163
31 2020: Planet of Drums 171
32 2003: Contagious Transmission 177
33 2039: Holosonic Control 183
34 Conclusion: Unsound - The (Sub)Politics of Frequency 189
Glossary 195
Notes 199
References 251
Index 265