Acknowledgments VII
Introduction 2
Listening through History; Prelude: Modernism; Explanations and
Part I. Significant Noises 20
1. Immersed in Noise 25
Sentient Sound; Interpolatin of Noise; Protean Noise; Oscillator
2. Noises of the Avant-Garde 45
Bruitism; Noise and Simultaneity; The Future of War Noises
Part II. Drawing the Line: Music, Noise, and Phonography 68
3. Concerning the Line 72
Resident Noises; The Gloss of the Gliss; Beethoven at Fifty Times
per Second; "I, the Accelerated Line"
4. The Sounds of Music 101
Demarcated Sounds; Drawning the Line in Theory; Synesthesia as
Noise Abatement
5. Ubiquitous Recording 123
The Rotary Revolution; Russian Revolutionary Film
Part III. The Impossible Inaudible 158
6. John Cage: Silence and 161
Much to Confess about Nothing; Canned Silence; Silencing
Techniques; Cage and the Impossible Inaudible
7. Nondissipative Sounds and the Impossible Audible 200
Inaudibly Loud, Long-Lasting, Far-Reaching; Machines of
8. The Parameters of All Sound 224
Loud Sounds; Conceptual Sounds
Part IV. Water Flows and Flux 242
9. A Short Art History of Water Sound 245
Water Music; Dripping; Surrealism and Submerged Women
10. In the Wake of Dripping: New York at Midcentury 260
The Object of Performance; Allan Kaprow: Immersed Noisician;
George Brecht's Drip Music
Part V. Meat Voices 290
11. Two Sounds of the Virus: William Burrough’s Pure Meat Method 293
A culture for Growing Viruses; Schlupping; On Goo Behavior;
The Cancer Virus; Cellular Phones
12. Cruelty and the Beast: Antonin Artaud and Michael McClure 322
Artaud in America; Musical Artauds: Tudor and Cage; Beats
Language; Beast Language; Affected and Afflicted Screaming;
Seraphic Screams and the Tortuos Blast
Notes 360
Index 446