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Rethinking Curating: Art after New Media

Beryl Graham & Sarah Cook
Publisher / Label
The MIT Press
Publication year
Type of publication
Number of pages


Acknowledgements  ix
Series Foreward
Sample Chapter  xi
Foreword by Steve Dietz
Sample Chapter  xiii

1  Introduction  1

What Is New Media Art?  2
What Is Curating?  10
The Structure of the Book  11

I  Art After New Media - Histories, Theories, and Behaviors  17

2  The Art Formerly Known as "New Media"  19
The Hype of the New  22
New Media Art - Modernist or Avant- Garde?  27
From Postmodernism to a Postmedium Condition  29
Art Example: Cornelia Sollfrank, Net Art Generator(s), and Female Extension  32
Rethinking Curating  38
Exhibition Example: Harwood@Mongrel, Uncomfortable Proximity  43
Summary: Curating in a Postmedium Condition?  47

3  Space and Materiality  51
Dematerialization - From Conceptual Art to Systems Art 52
How New Media Art Is Different  60
Art Example: Thomson & Craighead, Light from Tomorrow  67
Rethinking Curating  69
Exhibition Example: Let's Entertain and Art Entertainment Network, Walker Art Center  73
Summary: Dematerialized or Just Distributed?  83

4  Time  87
Time- Based Arts - Video and Performance  88
How New Media Art Is Different  92
Art Example: Rachel Reupke, Pico Mirador  94
Rethinking Curating  99
Exhibition Example: Medialounge, the Media Centre  103
Summary: Curating in Real Time?  109

5  Participative Systems  111
Interaction, Participation, and Collaboration  112
How New Media Art Is Different  117
Art Example: Harrell Fletcher and Miranda July, Learning to Love You More  120
Rethinking Curating  120
Exhibition Example: Serious Games, Laing Art Gallery  134
Summary: How Participatory Are These Systems?  138

II  Rethinking Curating - Contexts, Practices, and Processes  145

6  Introduction to Rethinking Curating  147
Curating in Context - In and Out of the Institution  148
Models and Modes - The Practice of Curating  153
Summary: Curating Now - Distributed Processes?  157

7  On Interpretation, on Display, on Audience  161
Education, Interpretation, and Curating  162
Example: Tate Media  164
On Display  170
Audiences  177
Summary: A Useful Confusion?  184

8  Curating in an Art Museum  189
Why Would a New Media Artist Want to Exhibit in an Art Museum?  189
The Building or the Immaterial Systems?  192
Working across Departments  194
Example: 010101, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art  194
Documentation and Archiving  200
On Collections  202
Summary: Networking the Museum  210

9  Other Modes of Curating  215
Festivals - New, Hybrid, and (Upwardly?) Mobile  216
Example: Vuk Cosic, Documenta Done and per me  218
Arts Agencies and Public Art - Located, Engaged, and Flexible  224
Example: New Media Scotland  227
Publishing and Broadcast - Distributed, Reproducible, and Networked  230
Example: Kate Rich  233
The Lab - Experimental, Interdisciplinary, and Research- Led  234
Example: V2_, Rotterdam  238
Summary: From Production to Distribution and Beyond  242

10  Collaboration in Curating  247
Artist- Run - Alternative Spaces and Independent Organizations  247
Swapping Roles - Artists as Curators  253
Example: NODE.London  260
Collaborative Practices - Networks and Audiences  266
Summary: Artist- Led or Audience- Led?  275

III  Conclusions  281

11  Conclusions: Histories, Vocabularies, Modes  283
A Set of Histories  285
Critical Vocabularies - Which Verbs, Which Systems?  288
Beyond Novelty - Curatorial Modes  299
The Task at Hand - Translation  302 

References  307
Sample Chapter  339
Exhibitions Index
Sample Chapter  353